PRU14: Berita tergempar..!!! Mahathir terima dana bilion dari Syiah Iran? [Video]

Baru terima klip video menunjukkan individu bernama Ruhullah Zam seorang wartawan Iran mendakwa Mahathir terima dana 1.4 bilion daripada Syiah Iran.

Ini perkara serius. Mohon sampaikan kepada kenalan supaya jangan undi Madey dahulu. Jangan undi calon-calon sekutu Madey. Ditakuti mereka ini menjadi tali barut kepada puak-puak syiah. Selagi tidak jelas agenda mereka jangan undi Madey dan sekutunya.

Undilah calon-calon BN yang akan memenangkan pemerintah Muslim kita di atas sana. Jangan gadaikan agama kita.

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"..And also a few days ago together with Mohammed Wilayati, the son of Ali Akbar Wilayati gave a letter of identification from The House of Murshid where he went and has introduced himself as the representative of The House of Murshid, they went to Mahathir Mohammed in Malaysia because Iran has there 600 million dollars in a place and 1.4 billion dollars of money in the other hand, which Mr. Khamenei (Mojtaba Khamenei) has ordered that these funds are meant to support Mahathir Mohammed’s electoral campaign as to assist him to become the next Prime Minister of Malaysia in this new general election, I (Ruhullah) do not know what is the profit (benefit) they will get if Mahathir Mohammed wins as the Prime Minister of Malaysia.."


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