Mahathir bertaruh melawan Soros dan rugi dan Malaysia mengalami kerugian berbilion, tidak termasuk skandal kerugian MAS yang sepatutnya untuk menampung kerugian Bank Negara.

Bagaimanapun, Kit Siang terlalu marah pada 1994 dan beliau mahu Mahathir dan Anwar dihantar ke penjara. BMF dan skandal FOREX Bank Negara adalah agenda utama Kit Siang. Beberapa hari lalu CIA mendedahkan mengenai skandal BMF dan semalam Murad mendedahkan perkara sebenar mengenai skandal Bank Negara FOREX. Tetapi hari ini kita tidak mendengar apa-apa setakat ini dari Kit Siang.

Selama lebih daripada 30 tahun Kit Siang telah memainkan isu skandal BMF dan untuk lebih daripada 20 tahun beliau telah memainkan isu skandal FOREX Bank Negara. Sekarang kebenaran mengenai kedua-dua isu diketahui. Mengapa Kit Siang membisu dan senyap?

Ini membuktikan tanpa sebarang keraguan lagi bahawa kata-kata Kit Siang mengenai Berjuang Untuk Rakyat adalah pembohongan.

Selama 20-30 tahun Kit Siang telah berteriak dan telah menuntut agar satu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) diadakan untuk menncungkil skandal BMF dan skandal FOREX Bank Negara. Sekarang CIA dan Murad telah membuat pendedahan sebenar. Dan tiba-tiba Kit Siang (yang berbangga bahawa dia telah berucap dan menulis 10 juta perkataan dalam 50 tahun karier politiknya) mendiamkan diri.

Saya rasa itu adalah harga yang beliau harus bayar untuk menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Beliau hanya perlu menjual prinsip-prinsip dan berpura-pura bahwa Mahathir adalah anugerah Tuhan ke Malaysia. Kit Siang hanya salah seorang apek polotik dan tdak lebih dari itu. Dan untuk berfikit bahawa Cina memandang Kit Siang sebagai dewa. Bodohnya Cina Malaysia!



Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, at the DAP Seremban Ceramah held at CRC Hall, Seremban on Sunday, 3rd April 1994 at 8pm

The government and country must take a very serious view of the Bank Negara forex losses ranging from RM16 billion to RM20 billion (the final score came to RM30 billion in the end) in the past two years, as they amount to about eight Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandal losses.

The Bank Negara Governor, Tan Sri Jaffar Hussein, has taken the proper and honourable step to resign to accept full responsibility for the Bank Negara forex losses, but no ‘lesson’ would be learnt from the colossal Bank Negara forex losses unless there is a full investigation into the causes and circumstances of the losses as well as the full chain of accountability of all those who must bear responsibility- including the Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim himself.

Parliament and the nation have the right to know what actually went wrong with the management of Bank Negara and the overall supervision by the Finance Minister to allow the Bank Negara to commit colossal foreign exchange losses ranging from RM16 billion to RM20 billion in the past two years.

UMNO Youth leader and Malacca Chief Minister, TanSri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, said that Bank Negara’s RM5.7 billion forex losses last year was caused by managerial errors of judgment and has nothing to do with the Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Call on Anwar Ibrahim to declare whether he agrees with Rahim Thamby Chik that as Finance Minister, he should not be held responsible for the Bank Negara forex losses.

I call on Anwar Ibrahim to publicly state whether he agrees with Rahim Thamby Chik, that as Finance Minister, he should not be held responsible for the Bank Negara forex losses.

I am not very sure that I can agree with this position as after the public uproar over the 1992 Bank Negara forex losses, which ranged from RM10.1 billion to RM14 billion, Anwar Ibrahim gave an undertaking in Parliament during the emergency DAP debate last April that he would be calling up weekly reports from Bank Negara on its forex dealings.

In his reply on my motion on the Bank Negara forex losses last year, Anwar declared that the RM2.7 billion contingent liability for 1993 provided in the 1992 Bank Negara Report did not mean that the bank would lose this amount in forward foreign exchange commitments, and that Bank Negara might end with a gain or a neutral position.

It is now clear that this RM2.7 billion contingent liability for 1993 has not only been confirmed, but that even bigger forex losses had been suffered in 1993, amounting to RM5.7 billion. Furthermore, there is in another contingent liability of RM 1.4 billion for next year- which means Bank Negara can suffer another RM1.4 billion forex losses apart from the forex losses in 1992 and 1993.

If for the past year, Anwar Ibrahim had been calling up weekly reports from Bank Negara with regard to its foreign exchange dealings, can Rahim Thamby Chik claim that the Finance Minister need bear no responsibility for the RM5.7 billion forex losses for 1993 and another RM1.4 billion forex losses for nest year?

The Bank Negara forex losses will also be a test case of the meaning of accountability, in particularly Ministerial accountability and responsibility, and this is why the Government should agree to a full parliamentary debate on the Bank Negara forex losses nest week.

If there is any Chief Minister of Menteri Besar who should be subject to an adult of his integrity, Rahim Thamby Chik should take the lead

Rahim Thamby Chik is not the greatest champion of accountability in Malaysia.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr, Mahathir Mohamad, announced in Sabah yesterday that an audit would be carried out on the past Parti Bersatu Sabah government and directed all Ministers and Assistant Ministers of the new Sabah Barisan Nasional Government to declare their assets to him.

There should not only be an audit of the PBS Sabah Government, but also an audit to all Barisan Nasional State Governments as well.

Rahim, for instance, has still to explain his enormous wealth and assets which are disproportionate to his known sources of income.

If there is any Chief Minister or Menteri Besar who should be subject to an audit of integrity, Rahim should take the lead.

Mr. Lim Kit Siang released this statement on April 3, 1994 and is filed under Bank Negara Scandal, BMF Loans Scandal.

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